Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Survey opportunity

If you are an adult transational adoptee (18 years or older) adopted by an American family or an adoptive parent of said adult adoptee(s), please take a moment to complete one of the below surveys. This is an approved research project entitled Stories of Adult Transnational Adoptees and their American Parents. The researchers themselves are an adoptive parent and adoptee. I think what they are doing is fantastic and hope that you can participate or spread the word! The bigger the sample size the better! We need more research in this area of the adoption field.

Surveys (projected to take about 30 min. and I found that to be accurate for me):

For Adoptees
For Adoptive Parents

The researchers will also be conducting in-depth interviews individually with adoptees and adoptive parents in some major cities across the US. If you want to know more, check out their webpage: Stories of Adult Transnational Adoptees and their American Parents

Also, the researchers plan to post the results on their website as well as write a book on their findings! So, bookmark them if you're interested. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what we can learn from their study.


  1. I tried to do it, but I think they only want American adoptees to participate. :-( Oh wells.

  2. Aw.. Yeah, any survey I've across has been specific to the US. I wonder if anyone has done a global study..that would be amazing.
